Plan Custom Fields

Membership Pro has basic custom fields support to allow entering more information about your plans and have these extra information displayed on plan details page (and plans list default layout). These custom fields are defined in an xml file and you can add many custom fields if needed.

If you want to use this feature:

  1. Look at components/com_osmembership folder, you will see a file called fields.xml.txt . That contains some pre-defined custom fields as an example. Rename that file to fields.xml
  2. Now, when you add/edit a plan, you will see a new tab called Custom Fields to allow you to enter information for these custom fields.
  3. You can use any custom field types supported by Joomla as documented here
  4. If you want to change change fields (add more fields, change title, remove fields), you can edit the file components/com_osmembership/fields.xml directly. Or go to Membership Pro -> Configuration, look at Custom Fields tab and edit directly from there
  5. The data entered for these custom fields, as mentioned earlier, will be displayed on plan details page and plans list default layout page.